Inside Mount vs. Outside Mount: The Best Option for Your Blinds
So you’ve thought about what type of blind you’d like, but have you thought about whether they’ll be an inside or an outside mounted fit?
If not, this blog post is sure to get you thinking about your options!

When Should I Order My Blinds?
Planning a renovation or on building a new home entirely? Chances are you’ve got a lot of planning to get done. In this blog post, we take you through our lead times on blinds, security screens, and plantation shutters to take some of the guess work out of coordinating your project.

Get Your Home Ready For Summer
It’s only September but it’s already becoming balmy. With a steamy season ahead of us Queenslanders, now is the time to ensure your home is ready for Summer.

What Else Can Security Doors Do For Your Home? (Hint: Plenty More!)
When it comes to Security Screens, there’s more than just security! We go through the lesser known benefits of having security screens installed in your home.

Blinds by Room Part 1: How to Choose the Best Bathroom Blinds
Thinking about covering bathroom windows means adding privacy and steering clear of mould. Check out our handy tips to choosing your bathroom blinds.